
segunda-feira, 9 de agosto de 2010


Akane, Canada
What is one job that you would hate to do? Well, I suppose( I think) one job that I would really hate to do is to be a homemaker(housewife), and I know that this is a very important job, and a very respectful(respeitoso) one but I don't think it's for me. I really get irritated(fico irritado) when I stay at home for long periods of time, and I know that many homemakers do go out, but, and I really do like making my own money(ganhar meu próprio dinheiro) and that's something(é algo) that's really important to me.

Barbara, Australia
One job that I would really hate to do would be, to be a salesperson(vendedora). Having to convince(convencer) people to buy something, probably which(provavelmente que) they don't need, and they can't afford(don't have money to pay). I would really hate to do that. If my income(renda) depended on selling(vendas), I think I would probably starve(passar fome)

Naomi, Australia
One job that I wouldn't like to do is a office job(trabalho de escritório), completely in the office, all the time(toda hora), 9 to 5, five-days-week office job. I think I would get(ficaria) really bored(entediado) after a short amount of time(pequena quantidade de tempo), and I would probably need a bit more(um pouco mais) excitement(emoção) in my life out of my job.

Mark, United States
Ah, one job I would hate to do is I would hate to be a garbageman(lixeiro), a garbage collector. I just, ah, it's gross(é nojento), it stinks(fede). I don't wish(não desejo) that job upon anybody(para ninguém) basically so(basicamente isso), that would be my last choice(escolha) for occupation(job)

1- what do you do for a living?
2- where do you work?
3- would you like to change your job?
4- what is the best thing about your job?
5- who do you work on the weekends?
6- what is your work schedule?
7- what is difficult about your job?
8- do you have a good or bad relationship with your co-workers?
9- Do you have a boss or are you self-employed?
10- Do you have a vacation one or two times a year?

Other levels

Tandia: Do you want these want ads after I’m finished with them?

Hank: No, I’m not going to find my dream job in the classifieds. I’m going to have to get more creative with my job search.

Tandia: What are you looking for?

Hank: I want a job that’s rewarding and fast-paced, and with good growth potential, but all I see are dead-end jobs.

Tandia: I know what you mean. I’m looking for something that’s challenging, but also with flexible work hours. All of my friends have great jobs. Why can’t I land one of them?

Hank: Instead of feeling sorry for ourselves, we need a better game plan.

Tandia: What do you have in mind?

Hank: I’m not sure, but we need to get noticed.

Tandia: Why don’t you take out a billboard? That should get you noticed.

Hank: Hey, that’s really thinking out of the box.

Tandia: I was joking!

Hank: I’m not. That’s an inspired idea. Now what should we put on the billboard?

Tandia: You’re crazy!

Tandia: Do you want these want ads(job ads) after I’m finished with them?

Hank: No, I’m not going to find my dream job in the classifieds(section of the newspaper to advertise things). I’m going to have to get more creative with my job search(job hunting/job finding)

Tandia: What are you looking for? (what job do you want)

Hank: I want a job that’s rewarding(satisfying) and fast-paced(high in energy), and with good growth potential(potential for promotion) but all I see are dead-end jobs.(jobs with no chance for promotion)

Tandia: I know what you mean. I’m looking for something that’s challenging, but also with flexible work hours. All of my friends have great jobs. Why can’t I land one of them?(why can't I find one of them)

Hank: Instead(ao invés) of feeling sorry for ourselves(ter pena), we need a better game plan.(a better strategy)

Tandia: What do you have in mind?( what are your ideas)

Hank: I’m not sure, but we need to get noticed. (ser notados)

Tandia: Why don’t you take out a billboard(put an outdoor)? That should get you noticed.

Hank: Hey, that’s really thinking out of the box(that's thinking differently).

Tandia: I was joking!( I was not serious)

Hank: I’m not. That’s an inspired idea( a good idea) Now what should we put on the billboard?

Tandia: You’re crazy! ( you are thinking right)

1) Do you often check the jobs ads in newspapers or on the Internet?
2) What kinds of jobs interest you most and least?
3) Is the job market in your country growing?
4) What are the toughest jobs in the world?
5) Is being a housewife a job? Should women get paid for this?
6) Do you like job hunting applying for jobs?
7) What is the job description of your last job?
8) Does everyone have equal job opportunities in your country?
9) What’s the best way to pass job interviews?
10) What is the best way to quit a job?

sexta-feira, 6 de agosto de 2010


Level 1

  1. What makes you happy? 
  2. What is the color of happiness? 
  3. what is the symbol of happiness? 
  4. Do you prefer happy or sad movies? 
  5. Is happiness inside or outside? 
  6. Can money buy happiness? 
  7. Is happiness in the mind or in the world? 
  8. Tell me 3 things that makes you happy. 
  9. Can you choose to be happy? 
  10. Are you happy at this moment? 
  11. What do you do when you are not happy? 
  12. Do you cry when you are happy? 
  13. Do you like books about happiness? 
  14. Do you feel happy when you shop? 
  15. When do you feel happier, in the morning, in the afternoon or at night? 
  16. What was a very happy moment in your life? 
  17. Do you cry with happiness? 
  18. What do you enjoy doing when you are happy? 
  19. Do you prefer comedies or drama? 
  20. What do you do when you are sad?

Intermediate and Advanced levels

  1. Are you a happy person? 
  2. What is happiness for you? 
  3. What do you think is the color for happiness? 
  4. Do you think that happiness lies within you? Or does it depend upon other people and external things? 
  5. Can money buy happiness? 
  6. Is happiness a state of mind?
  7. What makes you feel happy?
  8. What are the three most important things for you to be happy? 
  9. Is happiness relative, that is, does it have a different meaning for each person? 
  10. Do you believe you can choose to be happy?
materials: http://www.elllo.org/english/Mixer/47-HappyLiveNow.html (basic mixer)

quarta-feira, 21 de julho de 2010


  1. Does your hometown have a college or university?
  2. Does your hometown have a shopping mall shopping?
  3. Does your hometown have antique shopping places?
  4. Where is the best place to get a reasonably priced, but delicious meal in your hometown?
  5. How long have you lived in your hometown?
  6. Do any of your family members (still) live in your hometown?
  7. Where did your maternal and paternal great-great-great grandparents live or come from?
  8. Do you hope that someday your hometown would be world famous for something? What could it be famous for?
  9. What is the average yearly rain fall for your hometown?
  10. Does it snow in your hometown?


  1.  Can you borrow money from a bank to get a place? Is it easy to buy and sell houses?
  2. Draw/describe your dream house (money is no problem) where, materials, design, interior, landscaping etc
  3. Imagine you have arrived in a country where they don't speak your language. You have no money or friends there. What would you do for accommodation?
  4. Give some reasons why people become homeless.
  5. What problems do home owners have? What can they do about them?
  6. Is it better to rent or buy? Give reasons for your answer.
  7. What do you think houses in the future will be like?
  8. How important is security? How do you make a house secure?
  9. Make a list of the 4 most important things you would look for when choosing a house to live in.
  10. Some people say apartments are too much like boxes or cages. Do you agree or disagree? Why?


  1. When you were in high school, how many days of school did you miss each year because of sickness?
  2. Who is the healthiest person in your family? Who is the least healthy?
  3. Why do people smoke?
  4. Would you consider donating your organs after your death?
  5. What is the health service like in your country?
  6. How can the health service be improved?
  7. Have you been to hospital in the last 3 months?
  8. What do you know about Vaccines, how do they work?
  9. What is the difference between a cold and the flu?
  10. What do you think of this quote " Health is not the absence of illness, it is the joy to live"- Nuno Cobra


  1. Are you a happy person?
  2. What is happiness for you?
  3. What do you think is the color for happiness?
  4. Do you think that happiness lies within you? Or does it depend upon other people and external things?
  5. Can money buy happiness?
  6. Is happiness a state of mind?
  7. What makes you feel happy?
  8. What are the three most important things for you to be happy?
  9. Is happiness relative, that is, does it have a different meaning for each person?
  10. Do you believe you can choose to be happy?


  1. Are you extremely lazy?
  2. Do you cut people off in the middle of their stories and conversations?
  3. Does your mother or father have any bad habits?
  4. Is it easy or difficult to get rid of a bad habit?
  5. Do other people's bad habits get on your nerves?
  6. Have you been successful in getting rid of a bad habit?
  7. What bad habits bother you the most?
  8. What good habits do you most admire?
  9. What unusual habits do you observe in your family members? Do they bother you?
  10. How can you develop a good habit?